There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Be Inspired by the Leisurely Lifestyle of Toby Toad

Ya Boi Toby Toad is living a dream retirement: Cruising in his classic Mustang, running a farmers market stand, baking, painting, playing guitar, and more leisurely activities.

Doxie Din and Puppy Jay are Dachshunds that Work Hard, Play Hard

From working as a construction worker to a lifeguard and going on island adventures and to the spa, these two sausage dogs do it all!

These Shelter Cats Were Sent to Prison! (For Therapeutic Purposes)

Semi-feral and extremely shy cats and kittens are hard to find fosters for. But at this prison, both the kitties and inmates feel the benefits!

Jingang the Lazy Horse Plays Dead to Avoid Work

Jingang, now dubbed “The Lazy Horse”, has clearly had enough of his job and has joined the “quiet quitting” trend: Instead of just taking off to greener pastures, he’s sticking around but purposefully doing a terrible job. So he just lies down whenever someone tries to ride him. Credit: Kritter Klub/YouTube His employer says it’s cute but naughty.

A Dog Kept Getting Attacked by Other Dogs (Until he got Sunglasses to Block out the Haters)

After getting a pair of doggy stunner shades, this good boy turned rock star became a hit among dogs and humans!

Friar Moustache the Doggy Monk Will Convince You to Join a Monastery

From a dog of the streets to a dog of God, Friar Moustache's cuteness will give you the faith to drop everything to become a monk.

Pignic – Enjoy a Stroll and Picnic with Cute Kune Kune Pigs

Who better to enjoy a picnic with than a few snack experts like these cute furry Kune Kune pigs?

Lady Pinto Bean – The Reign of the Dungeon & Dragons Doggo

Lady Pinto Bean is a dog who can wield a sword like a true warrior!

The Story of Chaser “The World’s Smartest Dog”

Chaser was a Border Collie that could recall over 1,000 words, giving her the largest tested memory of any animal. And she could also do basic math!

Dogs of John Wick: The Definitive Guide to the Dogs of the Films and Cast

In this guide, we look at the canine costars from the John Wick films, along with the real-life dogs of each cast member!