There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Can haz art? Check Out Hunter The Painting Shiba Inu

This is Hunter, a black and tan shiba inu with a passion for painting. While we’ve nicknamed him Vincent van Doge, judging by his abstract expressionist style, he’s more of a Jackson Pollock with extra hair. Credit: IG Credit: IG Credit: IG Living in Alberta, Canada, his humans Kenny and Denise make sure Hunter always gets exercise, either physically or creatively.

Samson the Golden Doodle is Brooklyn’s Finest and an East Coast Sensation

In this week’s Popular Pets, we take a look at none other than Brooklyn’s finest, Samson the Golden Doodle. This young pup is the hottest thing to hit New York since July 2016’s heatwave. He’s a handsome, curly headed poodle mix who loves vacations and Yappyhour with his doggie pals.

Leanne Lauricella: From Successful New York City Event Planner to Creating Goats of Anarchy

Sometimes following your dreams leads you to a goat farm in New Jersey. For Leanne Lauricella leaving a successful career as a New York City event planner to become a goat farmer was the key to a fulfilled life. She traded in stilettos for gumboots and is happier than she’s ever been.

Smoothie the Cat Titled the Prettiest Cat on the Internet is a Real Life ‘Puss n Boots’

The title of prettiest pussy on the internet is awarded to Smoothie the Cat. The British Longhair has bright green peepers and a purrfectly groomed lion-like mane. Her owner, Arvid van Boeker, is from the Netherlands and looooves taking pics of his prized kittycat.

Stylish Pupper Couple, Sebastian Loves Luna had the Cutest Engagement Photo Shoot of All-time

Luna, a pomeranian, and Sebastian, a French bulldog are the definition of #relationshipgoals @sebastianlovesluna. Engaged since June 2016, they’re both three years old and live together in Washington, D.C. They share an Instagram account with over 70,000 followers, where you can check out their stylish outfits, fun cosplay and the cute dates they go on.

Zappa the Cat is the Furry Hypebeast You Need to Follow

Yeah there are a ton of Hypebeasts on Instagram to follow, but few are quite as cute or furry as Zappa the Cat. Just over two years old and hailing from the fashion-forward city of Rotterdam, she’s pushing almost 40,000 followers thanks to her slick style. Always looking good in her all-white coat, it also doubles as a perfect canvas for her wardrobe stacked with the hottest streetwear brands out there.

Top 5 Pitbull Rescues from the K9 Unit

Pitties have a bad rap, it’s no secret. Despite the misguided notion that they’re a dangerous breed the States has seen a recent surge in training and hiring pit bulls and other mixed-breed mutts from shelters for K9 Units, resulting in a diverse staff of motivated rescues. Credit: @aspca IG In recent years, pit bulls have been abused as fighting dogs and stereotyped as aggressive animals.

Top 10 Odd Instagram Pets

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but exotic pets make the most interesting Instagram accounts. If you want to see a raccoon having a bath or two prairie dogs on leashes chillin’ with a hedgehog, look no further. We’ve found Instagram’s top 10 strange-but-cute pet accounts so you don’t have to, check them out below… 1.

The Queen of Mean, Leona Helmsley Left a Portion of her $4 Billion Fortune to her Dog, Cutting out her Grandchildren

The Queen of Mean, billionaire Leona Helmsley, bequeathed the bulk of her fortune to her beloved dog, cutting out two of her grandchildren completely. In the 1990s Helmsley was sentenced to sixteen years in a federal penitentiary for tax evasion resulting in $1.7 million, however she served only 19 months of her sentence. She was quoted saying “we don’t pay taxes.

Man makes cute hats for toad that visits his porch @toadhatguy

A creative human named Chris Newsome has a daily visitor to his porch, who happens to be a toad. After many evenings spent chilling together on his porch, Chris thought his toad buddy could use a hat or two. Using colored foam paper, he started with a top hat, being a classic toad fashion staple.