There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Seagull bandit steals camera, takes it for an aerial joy ride

We all know that seagulls are basically the cowboys of the sky. They rob, they pillage, they dive-bomb unsuspecting chip-eating tourists. Even going so far as attempted murder.

The 2017 World Dog Surfing Championship is also the cutest extreme sports championship

Now in its 12th year, the World Dog Surfing Championship still holds the title for cutest extreme sports championship. Over a thousand dog and surf lovers came to watch dozens of dogs compete. Credit: @worlddogsurfing IG Credit: @worlddogsurfing IG Taking place in a different surf spot each year, Starting in San Diego and in Pacifica, California this year.

Lucky hawk catches cab to escape Hurricane Harvey

With Hurricane Harvey still devastating Texas, it’s nice to hear stories the stories of heroes and survivors of this terrible tropical storm. One such story is of a Houston cab driver and his new feathered BFF, now nicknamed Harvey the Hawk. The cabbie William Bruso was grabbing supplies when the hurricane was rolling in last Friday and when he returned he found a new passenger waiting for a ride.

Looting dog Otis takes advantage of Hurricane Harvey to score kibble

Hurricane Harvey has wrecked havoc on Texas, but one resourceful pup managed to make the tropical storm work in his favor. Otis, a mixed breed dog, disappeared from his owner Salvador Segovia’s home during the tropical storm and didn’t return empty-pawed. Local resident Tiele Dockens snapped this photo of Otis, casually walking down a street in his hometown Sinton, Texas following the initial blows of Hurricane Harvey.

Lil Bunny Sue Roux is part cat, part kangaroo, part bunny and 100% adorable

What has big blue eyes, hops like a kangaroo, and will melt your heart? Lil Bunny Sue Roux @lilbunnysueroux! She’s a Siamese-mix cat who was born with only two legs, a tiny bobtail and a talent for causing smiles.

Excited pupper races to Doggy School Bus!

Have you ever been as excited as this dog is for school? There’s a doggy daycare in Oregon called Doggie School Bus and this pup cannot wait to get there.

Kumbali and Kago of Metro Richmond Zoo, an adorable unlikely animal friendship

Humans aren’t the only ones who use service dogs; these wild cats are paired up with happy-go-lucky labradors and retrievers to ease their anxiety. Some thirty odd years ago, a zoo in San Diego decided to pair their cheetahs with support pups to encourage them to relax. The first ever pair was Arusha, a male cheetah, and Anna, a female golden retriever, in 1980.

Tortoises, cats and dog inherit tens of thousands from bookshop tycoon Christina Foyle

Silverstone the tortoise inherited $27,000 when his former owner, bookshop tycoon Christina Foyle, passed away in 1999. Ultimately, she left behind a $120,000,000 fortune, a chaotic bookshop, and a number of wealthy pets. She bequeathed $200,000 to her gardener, Anthony Scillitoe so that he and his wife could care for her pets after her death.

Rare two-headed turtle discovered in Florida

The craziest things happen in Florida. From snack-sized seahorse rescues to dogs inheriting a 12.4 million dollar fortune they’ve truly got it all. We can now add two-headed sea beasts to the list!

Cambridge celebrates big win for animal rights!

Internet slow clap for Cambridge, Massachusetts! This corner of the greater Boston area was the first to ban the commercial sale of not only cats and dogs, but also reptiles, birds, amphibians, and arachnids. Basically, the sale of any pet who is not obtained from a rescue shelter or comes from a home breeder is now illegal.