There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Dog rescued from an abandoned mining shaft has happy ending

If you’re anything like us, doggy rescues guarantee to make you ugly-cry happy tears! Preston Gladd was hiking in the Colarado mountains when he heard some odd noises coming from an abandoned mine shaft. Assuming it was a wild animal, he gave the shaft a wide berth.

Rescue dog Cheech wins at adoption with million dollar smile

Cheech, the appropriately named rescue dog, gains internet fame with his million-dollar grin. A photo of the smiling Chihuahua cross was posted to the City of Waller Animal Shelter and Rescue’s Facebook page. After that, Cheech’s adoption requests came pouring in.

71 puppies rescued from puppy mill, up for adoption!

If you’re looking to adopt a Chihuahua, Maltese, or Yorkshire Terrier today is your lucky day. Over 70 dogs were rescued earlier this week from a suspected Quebec puppy mill and are now looking for their furever homes! In a Cruella De Ville-like situation, a horde of dogs has been rescued from a dilapidated house close to Montreal.

Pup crashes wedding, finds furever family

Wedding crashers come in all shapes and sizes, and now species! If it isn’t Vince Vaughn or Owen Wilson trying to pick up your bridesmaids, it could be a stranger looking for an open bar. But, this lucky couple’s wedding had a crasher of a different sort.

Animal lovers celebrate California passing rescue animal law

A huge win for animal lovers, California passed a law prohibiting pet stores from selling animals obtained from anywhere but shelters and rescue centers. It’s the first statewide ban of its kind in the country and will go into effect in 2019. Governor Jerry Brown last Friday signed the law bill A.B. 485, which will force pet stores to obtain dogs, cats, and rabbits from shelters and rescue groups.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners announced.

The year’s most stunning wildlife photography can be seen at the fifty-third Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition. The photographs were selected by an international panel of judges for the 2017 Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest. Take a look at some of the world’s best wildlife photography below! “

Bull escapes slaughterhouse, causes chaos in Brooklyn and hilarity on Twitter

A bull escaped death when he broke out of a slaughterhouse near 16th St and 4th Ave in Sunset Park, New York. Originally dubbed The Brooklyn Cow in a case of mistaken gender, The Brooklyn Bull (@thebrooklynbovine) speaks out on Twitter. #Cows are females, #bulls are intact, #steer are neutered. Plz don’t misgender me. #brooklyncow #brooklynbull— Brooklyn Cow (@BrooklynBovine) October 17, 2017 The Brooklyn Bull’s also been trolling the NY Times and horses.

Hero dog Odin survives wildfire, saving 8 baby goats and a few deer while he’s at it

Stories of survival, like Izzy the Burmese Mountain Dog, have been keeping spirits high for those who have lost everything in the California wildfires. With fires still raging and firefighters up against insurmountable odds, people have had to abandon their homes and occasionally their beloved family pets to escape the blaze. Odin, a 1.5-year-old Great Pyrenees pup is hailed as a hero.

Family dog miraculously survives California wildfire

The death toll in California continues to rise as wildfires destroy the state. One family was devastated when they had to leave their beloved two-time cancer survivor dog, Izzy, behind as they fled their Sonoma home. Izzy panicked when her parents, Clint and Kathy Weaver, woke up in the middle of the night surrounded by flames.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend adopt cutest dog in the world

Chrissy Teigen, John Legend and of course Luna have brought a new fur baby into the household. The other three four-legged children – Penny, Pippa, and Puddin – welcomed the newest squishy-faced creature into the fold. View this post on Instagram A post shared by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) Pepper is an English bulldog puppy who was named after Teigen’s mother’s nickname.