There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Video of Dog Stealing Pancakes is Lit – Literally

This canine is not only a thief but an arsonist to boot. The dog was caught on a Southwick families security camera nabbing some leftover pancakes. The pooch also accidentally bumped the stove on, starting a fire and creating mayhem.

Lil Ben the Miniature Horse Finds Love In A Lonely Place

Lil Ben the miniature horse struck gold when he trespassed onto his (now) forever families front lawn. Living a lonely life on a farm, the 18-year-old mini-horse would get bored. No friends, no family, all Benjamin had was an apathetic farmer who didn’t really care about him.

How to Tell If Your Cat is Right or Left Pawed

The internet without cat videos is like The Beatles without John Lennon. Probably still exists, but who cares. If you’re a cat owner yourself, you can understand exactly why the internet loves cat videos.

Dexter The Peacock Banned From United Airlines Has Instagram & It’s Gold

It turns out Dexter The Peacock @dexterthepeacock who was banned from a United Airlines flight to LA has a fire IG account. The flashy bird who was kicked off of a United Airlines flight is actually something of a celebrity. The peacock, whose name is Dexter, lives in Bushwick with his artist mother, Ventiko.

Bella the Squirrel is Half Wild and Half Family Pet

Bella the squirrel @cidandbella was found badly injured by an owl attack when she was just 4 weeks old. Hurt and vulnerable, she wasn’t able to survive on her own. Luckily, the little squirrel was found by a wildlife rescue group.

Controversy over United Airlines Banning an Emotional Support Peacock

Emotional support comes in many forms including, apparently, a peacock. A woman brought her massive emotional support peacock to the Newark airport and attempted to fly to LA with it, even going so far as to buy the bird a seat of its own. Airlines will allow emotional support animals to fly with their owners as long as they can fit comfortably in front of the passenger’s seat without obstructing the aisle.

Thirsty Koala Asks Cyclist for a Drink during Australia’s Heat Wave

Cyclists and koala’s band together during Australia’s heat wave. The little marsupials are dehydrated but they know who their ride or die homies are. Koalas typically get moisture from gum leaves but the heat has been making that nearly impossible.

Two bears and a mountain lion treated for burns with fish-skin bandages

Two bears and a 5-month old mountain lion were found with serious burns following the Thomas Fire in Southern California. Hero vet Jamie Peyton was enlisted to help develop a plan for the wild animals. She’s the Chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, and came up with the idea that potentially saved the animals lives.

Hank the Tank is High as a Kite Following Vet Visit

Hank the Tank @hanktheaussietank is an Australian Shepherd who had a recent run-in with the vet. Hank was able to come home but was still flyin’ high with some morphine in his system. The pooch had stepped on a rusty nail and needed surgery but has made a full recovery.

Tiny Dog Chases Off Massive Crocodile in Australia

Small dogs have a reputation for thinking they’re tougher than they look. This little Aussie pup is no exception. A tiny, blonde pup chased after a 3.5 meter croc at Goat Island in Australia.