There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Man rescues a kitten, discovers it’s a baby bobcat

A kind man in Minnesota heard a kitten crying one night and investigated, finding her alone in a parking lot. After taking her home, he started to notice a few things that made her different from the average kitty: She had really big paws for her size and a strange meow… He suspected she might not be a regular domestic cat and turned her into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota.

Lola the golden retriever joins fire department to help with mental health

This good girl has joined the Vancouver Fire Department but not to put out fires. Lola, a 2.5-year-old golden retriever, will work as a trauma dog to help firefighters with their mental health. Credit: @vanfirerescue IG Lola was a rescue from Idaho, where she was trained by the Citadel Canine Society, which trains brave dogs to help humans that work as first responders or the military who suffer from stress and PTSD.

Saber-toothed Squirrel & How One Alberta Rancher Saved His Life

This squirrel looked like something straight out of a museum – or an Ice Age movie. Bucky is your average gray tree squirrel with one exception. Before good-samaritan Jannet Lee Talbott got ahold of him, he had massive saber-tooth tusks growing out of his mouth.

IRL balloon animal: Rare condition turned wiener dog into a jumbo hot dog

Trevor, a dachshund living in England had a pretty normal four years of life as a normal-sized sausage dog. Until one morning his human’s mom commented that Trevor looked like he was gaining weight. They didn’t think much of it at first, but as they ate breakfast, he seemed to keep getting bigger.

Baby Rhino Tries Bravely Tries To Save Mom From Poachers

Poachers have been decimating rhino populations in South Africa, profiting off their horns with the sad practice. But, one baby rhino fought back. A 4-week-old baby rhino named Arthur tried to save his mom from a poachers attack.

Pawternity Leave: Is This Nordic Company Innovative or Insane?

This Nordic company is living in the future. Musti Group, the largest pet supply chain in the Nordic countries, is now offering its employees pet parental leave for new pet owners. The company is based in Norway, Sweden, and Finland – a few places known for treating their human rights.

Goat Gives Birth to Twin Goat Babies During Yoga Class

Remember Goat Yoga or Alpaca Dance Classes, the trendy practice of including cute farm animals in your exercise class? Sometimes, surprise surprise, including live animals in your yoga routine doesn’t go according to plan. Red Wagon Goats is a landscaping company without any lawnmowers – instead, they rent out their goats.

Grant Gustin and LA Thoma Get A New Puppy

Couple Grant Gustin and LA Thoma have a type: Fluffy white dogs. The recently-engaged duo seem to either be cloning their pooch or buying legit the exact same dog. Check out the pic below to see if you can tell which doggy is which.

Harry Styles, Two Chickens, & Several Dogs Pose for Gucci in This Fish & Chips Shop

The Harry Styles Gucci campaign took an odd – but adorable – turn when the shoot included two live chickens and several fluffy dogs. Oh, and it was shot in a local London fish n’ chips shop. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @gucci Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG The shoot’s for the new autumn/winter 2018-19 tailoring campaign.

Tom Holland All Around Good Guy Rescues Stray Dog

Want to restore your faith in humanity? Just google Tom Holland. Recently, the Avengers star found a stray dog wandering around a neighborhood.