Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.

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Home » Only Fur » Page 19

Interview with Thor the Brown Boston – The Super Swimmer Dog

Thor sits down with us to bark about going viral for his love for swimming, having a private pool, and competing in his first "Hydro Dash."

The Antics of Ivar the Incredible Blind Cat and His Special Needs Fur Siblings

Meet Ivar, a rescued blind cat, and Baby Toad, a rescue with short front legs, and the rest of their exceptional kitty crew!

The Life of Carl the Crane and His Dino-Bird Family

If you follow one cranefluencer this year, make it Carl and his gang of Sandhill Cranes in Florida!

Noodles the Pooch: The Life of a Corporate Canine

If an influencer has a corporate job, they'll prob stick to posting fun influencer content. But with Noodles, she's proud to share her 9 to 5!

Mr. Pink the Chihuahua Is a Tiny Rescue Pup Going on Big Outdoor Adventures

Mr. Pink is a 3.75-pound rescue Chihuahua (and part mountain goat?) that loves the great outdoors, from camping, hiking, paddling, to snowshoeing!

The Unstoppable Dogs: A Canine Biker Gang That Triumphed Over Tragedy

Here are six disabled but unstoppable dogs who live happy lives and inspire everyone they meet, thanks to some amazing humans!

Big Kitty Puss Puss: The Cat with an Attitude as Big as Her Appetite

This chonky kitty has a lot of sass and style, but she also has a medical condition. So she's embarked on a weight loss mission and plans to have fun while doing it!

Woman Trains Duck to Surf Because Dogs Aren’t Allowed at Beach, Duck Ends up Winning Beach Dog Pageant

The Rainbow Bay duck was a substitute for a dog at a no-dogs-allowed beach, which led to him becoming a surfing sensation. Then in a twist of fate, the duck ended up winning the dog pageant at their local beach pride festival.

Fox Dog Taro is All Ears

NEW POKEMON JUST DROPPED!!! Fox Dog Taro is a rescued Chihuahua-Mini Dachshund mix that's going to listen to all your problems and make everything ok :)

Suki and Dante Show Us What a Natural, Uncropped Doberman Looks Like

Everyone recognizes the Doberman's serious, guard dog appearance. But did you know they naturally look like friendly floppy puppers?