Meet Long Boi – A really really long duck
Long Boi is a very special duck at the University of York in England that went viral for being very long.
Jamal Galves the Manatee Man is a superhero that saves baby manatees
Starting at age 11, Jamal Galves has been helping with manatee conservation for over 20 years in Belize and Florida.
Study finds rats bop their heads to music by Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Maroon 5
Researchers at the University of Tokyo played a few tracks for rats and found they bopped their heads to the beat.
Happy 190th birthday to Jonathan the Tortoise – The world’s oldest land animal
Let's all wish Jonathan a happy birthday, who recently turned 190 years young!
Mysterious duck turns up, cures grieving dog’s 2-year depression
George the yellow lab had been depressed since his best friend Blackie, a black lab, had passed away. That's until a random duck turned up.
The Adventures of Prairie Chuck
Most prairie dogs prefer to hide in their burrows. Prairie Chuck prefers to go on adventures.
The jet-set life of Chester – Penguin and professional actor
Chester is a penguin that can fly. Fly private, that is. And he's just wrapped filming his first starring role in Italy. NBD.
These rescue piggies are ready for the holidays
This gang of adorable rescue pigs are dressed up and getting cozy for Christmas.
MetaPink: Paris Hilton finally launches a dog accessories collection with Moshiqa
Iconic fashion influencer and fur mom Paris Hilton has collaborated with Moshiqa to finally released her own collection of luxury dog accessories.
England football team loses World Cup, takes home stray cat instead
While England may have lost in the quarter-finals, they gained a new mascot!