William McNamara is as famous for being an animal rights activist as much as an actor these days. Also a vegan, he’s traveled the world advocating and rescuing pets and wild animals. He’s also been part of several animal rights-related documentaries, including Nat Geo Wild’s Animal Intervention. And the Los Angeles resident hasn’t let the dangerous wildfires currently raging in his county slow down his mission.

Over the last few days, he’s posted dozens of Instagram reels documenting the animal rescue efforts of him and the many brave humans around him. The surreal footage could easily pass for a Hollywood disaster movie, but tragically it’s the terrifying reality right now for countless people and animals.
They’ve been rescuing animals as big as horses and make sure to read the story in the caption.
They’re rescuing farm animals such as these poor piggies.
And even exotic pets like these peacocks.
If you’re able to support any of the organizations he’s working with, please visit the Eastwood Ranch Foundation, Viva Rescue, and the Animal Advocacy Network.
For more on this ongoing situation: The Pasadena Human Society is currently helping over 400 animals and needs support.