When 84-year-old Don Gregorio Romero went missing from his home in Sonora, Mexico, it seemed like a near impossible task to find him. After days of unsuccessful searching by the authorities and family members, it was left up to one special being – his dog Palomo – for help.
Amazingly, Palomo followed his nose and led rescuers two miles across a barren desert landscape to where Romero was lying exhausted and dehydrated — but still alive.
After an incredible journey, Romero was led out of the desert to safety and taken to a hospital for treatment. Palomo remained devotedly by his side, refusing to move from outside the door until his human friend recovered.
It’s an incredible testament to how far loyalty will go when given the chance — even in unlikely settings like barren deserts! Let us never forget the heroic effort put forth by Palomo on behalf of his owner; he truly saved the day!