Charlie Westin King is living proof you’re never too old to change your life and achieve new goals: He was a foster dog working as a hotel concierge and wasn’t adopted until he was 10 years old – And then at 18, he published his first book, Charlie at the POM Springs Hotel. But let’s start with Charlie’s life story first.

A hotel in Palms Springs had a pet adoption program where they would foster one dog at a time. Besides having a temporary, the pups also get to meet many guests who might end up being their new parents. Charlie was the longest member of the program. It was a testament to how great of a canine concierge he was… But it’s also one of countless examples of how senior dogs have trouble getting adopted…
Then one day in 2016, Lara Eurdolian King stayed at the hotel, where the then-10-year-old Charlie caught her eye. She walked him every day and fell in love. She also saw that Charlie needed more TLC than they could provide. So she decided to adopt very first dog and took him home!
Charlie’s story and spirit then became the inspiration for Charlie at the POM Springs Hotel. The children’s book’s message is to show that “family is family” – no matter what it looks like. Using adorable illustrations of mixed animal families, it also wants kids to understand the same “family is family” love extends to adopted kids and blended human families.
You can now buy Charlie at the Pom Springs Hotel and make sure to follow his Instagram accounts @pompomcharlie and @charlieatthepomspringshotel. You can also follow his momager/coauthor Lara at @prettyconnected.