Paningning @therealpaningning is a Shih Tzu from the Philippines that went viral for doing nothing at all and inspiring us all in the process.

You ever have one of those days where you just want to drop everything you’re doing and just lie down on the floor?

Well lil’ Paninging turned that mood into an profession. Ever since she was a pup, she’s perfectly happy to pick a random spot on the floor, flip on her back, and take a snooze, anytime she wants. Jealous?

You can see her standing out among her siblings, just by lying down.
Her owners said that while she’s become a nap icon, she’s actually quite naughty and fun loving (when awake).

You can also check out a photo of her as a puppy with her mom, and her now at three years old.

You can follow @therealPaningning on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.