One day a hurt owl was found on a porch in Southern California and taken to a vet. The vet figured he had crashed into the side of the house and after looking at his eyes he could tell why. Looking like windows into the galaxy, this owl had unique black-blue eyes with little white dots, lines and clouds. What caused this were capsular cataracts, which gives his eyes this look through blood pigment clots. This causes him to only have about 10% of his vision.

He was starving, but otherwise ok from his crash landing. With strong eyesight essential for an owl’s survival, he was deemed unfit to be released into the wild. Instead, he lives a relaxed life at the Wildlife Learning Center, where he acts as an ambassador to promote the center’s mission to help animals.

Even though he could have turned out a nervous bird, barely being able to see. He is actually very chill and friendly. He’s so calm visitors often think he’s a stuffed toy until he moves. Due to his one-of-a-kind eyes, he was named after Zeus, the Greek god of sky and thunder.

If you enjoyed this, check out: Owl remembers man who saved her life, gives him a big hug.