Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.


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Sad Dog Has the Most Amazing Transformation

Two days from being put to sleep, Clementine, was given a second chance. And it lead to the most amazing transformation. Elizabeth Cossairt saw her photo online after Clementine had been captured by animal control roaming the streets of Southern California.

Two Smart Dogs Reinvent The Game of Fetch

Leyla and Bear, two clever dogs, have reinvented an age of past time and we love them for it. Clearly these dogs enjoy each others company but dogs need more than a companion. They need excercise.

Chrissy Teigen’s Beloved Dog Pippa Passes Away

Chrissy Teigen is grieving over the death of her beloved dog Pippa, who she says “died in her arms”. The social media icon and instafamous celebrity entertainer shared an sad update with fans on Thursday afternoon (July 15) and said that her dog had just passed “not long ago.” “our beautiful little pippa just died in my arms, not long ago,” Chrissy wrote on Instagram. “she was 10, I remember picking her up in Gainesville and documenting our trip home. She was a sassy broad – loved her pearl necklace and never took shit from ANY new dog we brought in.

Dog From Brazil Learns to Ring Doorbell Like a Human

Dog get up to all kinds of mischief and learn new tricks in the process, this dog is way ahead of the curve. Sneaking out is the easy part for the most part, getting back inside is the most difficult part of the journey. But not for this little guy.

Senior Dog and a Little Girl – Best Friends Through a Glass Door

Sheitan spent most of her life alone, tied up, and outside as a farm dog. Then came Bridget Hammond, and her life changed forever. The 12-year-old boxer mix is so grateful for any companionship and this sweet girl was more than happy to oblige The 12-year-old boxer now gets to snuggle with kittens, people, and friends. “She’s just so easygoing.

French Bulldog The Mayor of Kentucky Town

If you missed the news in 2020, the tiny town of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, decided they had enough of human’s leading the pack. In a close race with Pitbull incumbent Brynneth Pawltro, French Bulldog Wilbur became the town’s new mayor on November 3, 2020. Wilbur’s won by a narrow margin but his campaign slogan gave him the advantage, “Give me liberty or give me… Milk-Bones”.

New Statue Honors Sully the Service Dog

Sully the Service Dog was sworn in as a Facility Dog at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in February 2019. Then in November 2020, Sully’s devotion and loyalty were honored with a new statue near his home on Long Island.

Beer Delivery By Brew Dogs by Six Harbors Brewing Company

For the past year and more we have been in a combination of mandatory stay-at-home orders, shutdowns, and re-openings. Times have been challenging without the concept of normal and fears of a “new normal” coming. However, some positive news has come out of all this – One Long Island brewery turned to its fuzzy friends to help provide some happy news.

Dealership Hires Stray Dog as Employee of the Month

In Brazil, a stray dog has become a regular visitor at this car dealership and it didn’t take long for the staff to fall in love. A Prime Hyundai manager, Emerson Mariano, decided to leave food out for a stray that and decided to adopt the pooch. Mariano named the dog Tucson, after Hyundai’s popular SUV model, and even hired him as a “Pawfessional” Consultant.

Dachshund Saves Neighbors From House Fire

In the early morning hours one Sunday 2020, a family in Bethel, Connecticut, got a loud alert from, Jasper, their 4-year-old Dachshund. The typically did not act this way and they quickly discovered that the neighbor’s porch was engulfed in flames while the family slept inside. Luckily, the family immediately and called 911 and alerted the fire department.