In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
Top Celebrity Pets Social Media Posts in 2022
In 2022, we featured “Celebrity Pets”, but more importantly, “Pets that are Celebrities”. Posts by these furry friends have brought likes and shares as people around the world tune in to see what outrageous antics they’re up to. From fashion shows and movie premieres to charity events and exotic vacations, there’s no limit to what these pampered pooches and kitties did for attention.
Fig & Scout: Adventure Cats Living the Good Life on Vancouver Island
Fig & Scout are a pair of adventure cats from Vancouver Island that love to hike and travel in a backpack shaped like a spaceship.
England football team loses World Cup, takes home stray cat instead
While England may have lost in the quarter-finals, they gained a new mascot!
Lizzy from OwlKitty The Most Uncredited Celebrity of Our Generation
If you’re a fan of blockbuster films, there’s a good chance you’ll recognize the hardest-working cat in Hollywood, Lizzy from OwlKitty. The talented feline is not only the most “uncredited” star of the last two generations, but she may also be “The oldest cat in the world”. Her Grammy-worthy work spans over 40 years of popular cinema and television.
Henry, Baloo, and Pan – Dog and Cat Friends on An Adventure that Changed their Lives
A few years ago, Henry and Baloo’s story of friendship inspired many people around the world. The best friends were sharing their adventures with the help of their parents, Cynthia Bennett and her partner Andre. The traveling cat and dog duo backpacked their way through the Colorado mountains while over 2 million followers cheered them on.
Comedy Pet Photography Awards 2022 – Check out the winners!
The results for the funniest pet photos of 2022 are in!
Q @achikochisochi: These 7 cats in Japan Wearing Hats Looking Tired is Life
There’s a family of cats in Japan that are just so very tired. The adorably exhausted cats have a hard life living as social media content creators, having to wear hats, looking at the camera, and occasionally waving. If only they had thousands of adoring fans to keep them awake.
Flossie is officially the World’s Oldest Cat at 27 years old
Just a few weeks from her 27th birthday, Flossie has been crowned The World's Oldest Cat by Guinness World Records.
Cat hiding in luggage discovered by security X-ray
A ginger kitty hid among clothes and wine bottles for a free flight and was only discovered after airport security X-rayed the luggage.
Snoop Dogg finally launches a pet accessories brand: Snoop Doggie Doggs
Now your doggy (and your kitty) can finally dress up like their favourite rapper!