In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
Meet Gatoelho the Cat Bunny
Is Gatoelho the world's first cat-bunny hybrid??
Meet the Pets of the Highest-Paid Celebrities of 2022
Forbes has released their annual list of the celebrities that made the most $ last year. So let's take a look at their lucky pets!
Animal Control: Meet the Pets of the Cast
"Animal Control" is a new FOX series that's sure to entertain animal lovers. But what about the casts' real-life pets? Let's take a look!
Liebchen’s Journey: The Adventure Cat Breaking Stereotypes and Exploring the World
Join Liebchen on his wild journey! This tenacious orange tabby, rescued at 10 weeks old, absolutely loves traveling with his humans Dan and Erin all around the US. From biking to camping to road trips and hikes, Liebchen has travelled through Colorado into Utah, Arizona, and other western states.
Grammy Award Winners 2023: Meet Their Celebrity Pets
We now know who took home awards from the 2023 Grammys, but do you know what cute pets these celebs have waiting at home for them?
Tango and Cash – Two crazy Abyssinian cat brothers
Tango and Cash have a love-hate relationship like most siblings, but this pair happens to be Abyssinians, a unique breed of cat that has the look of a wildcat, mixed with some dog energy.
Relax and Soak it In With The Zen Kitty for Catspiration & Outdoor Adventure
Want to get a glimpse of the life of luxury with a few lucky adventure cats? Take a look at @thezenkitty. Run by run by Tanya Michel, the channel chronicles the daily lives of her three rescued Persian cats, Zen (White & orange), Leo (orange), and Minki (white), and Oppi the dog.
The Look Ahead Cats – 6 rescue cats that run an animal hospital
These 6 cats were all originally patients at the Look Ahead Veterinary Hospital... But now they essentially run the place.
The Celebrity Pets of the 2023 Golden Globe Award Winners
With the 2023 Golden Globe Awards winners announced, you now know what to stream this weekend. But do you know what pets these acclaimed actors have on their couches while they binge-watch?
Messi the Puma: Not your average house cat
Messi was rescued from a Russian Zoo and unable to return to the wild due to health issues. A caring couple took him in and now he's world-famous!