In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.


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Interview with Chloe the Serval – The Story of a Huge House Cat with a Personality to Match

Chloe Jade (and her humans Matt and Shannon) kindly made time for an interview to share her story and what life is like with an exotic Serval cat.

These Shelter Cats Were Sent to Prison! (For Therapeutic Purposes)

Semi-feral and extremely shy cats and kittens are hard to find fosters for. But at this prison, both the kitties and inmates feel the benefits!

Mia Macchiato the Side Hustle Cat – Model, DJ, Bartender, and Taquera

Mia Macchiato is one ambitious ginger cat who works as a model, DJ, bartender, and even runs her own taco truck!

Oscars 2023: Meet the Nominees’ Celebrity Pets!

As we wait to see who takes home a golden statue, let's take a look at what cute pets they have at home.

From Feral to Familiar: The Story of Little Pumpkin and her Fur-Ever Family

Madeline’s heart was moved the day a scrawny and timid Pumpkin showed up at her doorstep, hoping for some food, TLC, and maybe a little warmth. At first, Pumpkin was scared of her and stayed away, but then she saw another feral cat get close. Her persistence soon paid off, and Pumpkin began warming up to sharing her space.

Ginger The Pibble Once Separated from Her Puppies Now Adopts to Foster Kittens

Ginger The Pibble has a big heart and loves being a mom, even when the babies aren’t her own! After her puppies were adopted, she began helping lost kittens find new homes. Sometimes the kittens show up lost, vulnerable, and in need of comfort.

Artist meetissai417 Turns Viral Animal Photos into Cute Sculptures

An artist in Japan with the Instagram name @meetissai417 makes epoxy putty sculptures based on funny viral animal photos you're sure to recognize.

Interview with Bambam the Hairless Munchkin – A Sassy Talking Sweater-Wearing Cat

We sat down with the sassy and chatty Bambam the Hairless Munchkin to discuss being a Bambino, her wardrobe, roommates, robots, and more!

King of Kaszubska: Gacek The Chonky Feline Becomes Polish City’s Highest-Rated Attraction

Gacek is as popular as he is chonky... If you can believe it, this cat weighs 25 lbs and is also the best-rated business on Google Maps in his city with over 5000 reviews.

Turkish Firefighter Ali Cakas Saves a Cat Who Now Refuses to Leave His Side

A firefighter pulled this lucky kitty out of the rubble from the Turkey-Syria earthquake and made a new best friend.