Birds are becoming increasingly popular pets, and social media has a lot to do with it. From parrots to canaries, birds come in a vast array of shapes, colors, and personalities. Some birds have even amassed millions of followers! Some birds are just up to no good.


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Max and Quackers, an unlikely animal friendship guaranteed to melt your heart

Meet Max, a twelve-year-old husky and Quackers, a four-year-old duck. Two best friends living it up in the countryside of Strout, Minnesota. The pair met shortly after Max’s best friend, Sasha had passed away.

Top 5 Fierce Presidential Pets

We all know America has had some wild leaders in the past (and present) but what about their pets? The most common animal to grace the White House is a dog, and the long standing tradition of having man’s best friend lay down at the wise leader’s’ feet is rarely deviated from. We’d like to suggest some canine options to Donald Trump, since he’s the first prez with no pup.

Seagull bandit steals camera, takes it for an aerial joy ride

We all know that seagulls are basically the cowboys of the sky. They rob, they pillage, they dive-bomb unsuspecting chip-eating tourists. Even going so far as attempted murder.

Lucky hawk catches cab to escape Hurricane Harvey

With Hurricane Harvey still devastating Texas, it’s nice to hear stories the stories of heroes and survivors of this terrible tropical storm. One such story is of a Houston cab driver and his new feathered BFF, now nicknamed Harvey the Hawk. The cabbie William Bruso was grabbing supplies when the hurricane was rolling in last Friday and when he returned he found a new passenger waiting for a ride.

Gigoo The Chicken Heiress Inherits Millions

Why did the chicken cross the road? To deposit her 15 million dollar cheque, of course. Meet Gigoo, the heir to Miles Blackwell of Blackwell Publishers and the richest chicken in the world.

The story of Zeus: The blind owl with stars in his eyes

One day a hurt owl was found on a porch in Southern California and taken to a vet. The vet figured he had crashed into the side of the house and after looking at his eyes he could tell why. Looking like windows into the galaxy, this owl had unique black-blue eyes with little white dots, lines and clouds.

Naked & Famous: Rhea the lovebird chirps self-love with Rhea The Naked Birdie

No hair, don’t care. Rhea the lovebird @rhea_thenakedbirdie is baring it all on Instagram and preaching self-love while she does it. The little birdie has a virus (Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease) which made all of her feathers fall out.

Owl remembers man who saved her life, gives him a big hug

Gigi, a great horned owl, was close to death when she was brought to the Wild at Heart Rescue in Mississippi. The staff thought she must have been hit by a car and suffered head trauma. This led to her losing half her weight, getting parasites and a type of owl pneumonia.

Meet the Prairee Dog Pack Bing, Swarley, Monty, and, Enzo

Leaders of the Prairie Dog Pack, Bing and Swarley are two Texan prairie dogs living the good life with their mixed-species family @prairiedogpack. The dogs’ mom, Cassidy, adopted Bing and Swarley from a local pet shop in Houston, Texas, adding them to her growing brood of animals. Credit: @prairiedogpack IG The Prairie Dog Pack currently consists of Bing and Swarley, a hedgehog named Monty, and the troops newest edition – Enzo, an adorable, floppy puppy.

Hero Accountant Runs a Pet and Dog Retirement Home for “Unadoptables”

Steve Greigs, an accountant in Colorado, has made it his life’s mission to adopt the unadoptable. Greigs has ten senior dogs, a potbelly pig named Bikini, a couple of cats, two ducks, a rabbit and a chicken named Oprah. Oh, and Jim the Pigeon.