With Hurricane Harvey still devastating Texas, it’s nice to hear stories the stories of heroes and survivors of this terrible tropical storm. One such story is of a Houston cab driver and his new feathered BFF, now nicknamed Harvey the Hawk.
The cabbie William Bruso was grabbing supplies when the hurricane was rolling in last Friday and when he returned he found a new passenger waiting for a ride. Bruso said Harvey looked scared, confused and clearly didn’t want to leave the safety of his cab.
Bruso later tried to release Harvey, who sat on his door but refused to fly away. He then took Harvey back home for some liquor (for Bruso) and chicken hearts (for Harvey).

After a night’s rest at Bruso’s place, he took Harvey to a local wildlife rehab center. They discovered Harvey had an injury preventing him from flying, so he would not have survived the storm without Bruso’s help and hospitality.
For another heartwarming bird rescue, check out the story of Gigi the Owl.