Capybara’s are the largest rodent known to man. They resemble a massive, furry chicken nugget with a face – it’s no wonder human’s like to keep them as pets. JoeJoe, a capy living in Las Vegas, fits the description to a T.

His human, Cody Kennedy, often dresses JoeJoe up for special occasions. He’s got sombreros and maracas for Cinco de Mayo, a shark suit for shark week and a number of other hilarious costumes. His wardrobe is extensive, we have a sneaking suspicion Kennedy shops in the large dog or small child sections (Capybara’s can grow up to 4ft).

JoeJoe’s a great stepdad, he’s a pseudo-father to a couple of baby chicks. After word of his babysitting skills got out he picked up a gig as a husky puppy chaperone and was a little out of his element.

His parenting skills managed to impress Bae. JoeJoe’s girlfriend is another Capybara named Sweetie. The two love birds spend as much time as possible together, they get dressed up and celebrate every major holiday #relationshipgoals. When they’re not taking mud baths the Capy couple hang out poolside, catching rays and smooching.

Capybara’s are semi-aquatic animals and these two are no exception. JoeJoe and bae’s favourite place to lounge is beside their outdoor Las Vegas pool.

JoeJoe loves to snack, he’s a vegetarian with a penchant for waffles. He’s more human than animal; he lives inside the house with his pops and is potty trained. Yes, he is literally a large, toilet using, sombrero wearing rodent. No joke.