Usually, firefighters spend their animal rescuing efforts retrieving cats from trees, but that wasn’t the case after a fire broke out in Taylor, Pennsylvania.

Earlier in the week, the Veterinary Emergency and Referral Center donated oxygen masks for “Canines and Kitties” to area emergency responders in Lackawanna County. The masks have a special seal for an animal’s snout, allowing them to treat smoke inhalation. Little did they know, the masks would be used almost immediately.

The fire broke out in the Nykaza family home around 10 am, forcing seven people and several animals out of their homes. Marcia Nykaza recalls, “somebody that I never met before knocked on the door and said, ‘You need to get out, the house is on fire.'” The man was a Public Works employee who happened to witness the initial blaze. Luckily, he was able to warn the people who were home and everyone was able to exit safely. Firefighters bravely entered the burning building to retrieve the Nyzaka’s furbabies. Unfortunately, the families beloved Pomeranian did not make it.

Firefighters were able to resuscitate the five cats pulled from the flames thanks to the donated oxygen masks.
For more heroic rescue tales, check out these brave doggos!