Pets have always been there right when we need them, but sometimes they need help too. Fortunately, many of these animals are rescued by kind-hearted individuals who provide them with a loving home. These rescues are the very best of humanity.
Rescues Stories
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Two bears and a mountain lion treated for burns with fish-skin bandages
Two bears and a 5-month old mountain lion were found with serious burns following the Thomas Fire in Southern California. Hero vet Jamie Peyton was enlisted to help develop a plan for the wild animals. She’s the Chief of the Integrative Medicine Service at UC Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, and came up with the idea that potentially saved the animals lives.
Tiny Dog Chases Off Massive Crocodile in Australia
Small dogs have a reputation for thinking they’re tougher than they look. This little Aussie pup is no exception. A tiny, blonde pup chased after a 3.5 meter croc at Goat Island in Australia.
Diane Cow Frolicking Through Snow at Farm Sanctuary Wins At Winter
Winter blues got you down? Just peep this video of a cow dancing in the snow – it’s guaranteed to melt your cold, frozen heart. Diane Cow lives at Farm Sanctuary in Upstate New York.
Baby Sloth Rescued In Costa Rica
A Cincinnati couple rescued a baby sloth in Costa Rica following a huge storm earlier this week. Dirk Morgan and his wife own a lodge in Costa Rica. A panicked guest told them about a baby sloth trapped in between two rocks on the beach, and Morgan jumped into action.
Feisty Aardvark Winsol born to Cincinnati Zoo Finally Named and has New Identity
The Cincinnati Zoo welcomed a wrinkly little beast for 2017’s Winter Solstice. Winsol was named after his birth date and has been the first aardvark born to the Cincinnati Zoo since 1994. He’s adorable, in a hairless-cat-meets-donkey kind of way.The staff have been looking over the aardvark and his mom since the birth.
8 Cheetah Cubs Born to St Louis Zoo in Remarkable Birth
For the first time in zoo history, a record number of 8 cubs were born to a cheetah in Saint Louis! Bingwa (meaning Champion in Swahili) is a great mother to her large brood. Since the first few months are critical for newborn cheetah’s, the zoo staff have been monitoring the family closely.
Dog Snatched by Eagle Survives Terrifying Encounter in Pennsylvania
It was a happy ending to a terrifying story for one Pennsylvania family. An 8lb Bichon Frise was snatched out of the families backyard by a massive bird of prey. An eagle decided to turn the fluffy white pup into a snack on one frigid Tuesday in January.
Bonedigger and Milo: as unlikely friendship between a dachshund and a lion
In one of the cutest cases of unlikely animal friendships ever recorded, a 500lb male lion named Bonedigger shares a special bond with a wiener dog named Milo. Milo and Bonedigger have been pals since cub-and-puppyhood. The little sausage pup sensed that Bonedigger needed an extra paw – he was born with a metabolic bone disease, leaving him partially disabled.
Unlikely Animal Friendships: Comet the Pony and Louis the Siamese Cat
Size makes no difference for this odd couple. Comet the Pony and Louis the Siamese Cat go adventuring through the England countryside together. Louis, of course, takes advantage of Comet’s saddle and lets her do the legwork.
93 Year Old Woman Emma Eng Knits Blankets for Homeless Kittens
Emma Eng says that she enjoys animal stories better than people stories. We would have to agree, although sometimes a human-and-animal story comes along that is just as good. The 93-year-old woman spends her days knitting blankets for adoptable cats in the Seattle Humane Shelter in Bellevue, Washington.