There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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This smiling drugged-out dog makes surgery look like fun

Recently in Australia, a golden retriever named Oscar had to get minor surgery. While this doesn’t sound like fun for this pupper or his human, a photo of him after shows the opposite. doggo went under for surgery and now he is DRUGGO— hot librarian (@smack__that) March 27, 2017 Oscar’s human, named Sarah, posted a shot of him on the way back from surgery.

Skip human bridesmaids and groomsmen, pick wedding llamas instead!

So you’re planning your wedding and now you have the tricky task of choosing your bridesmaids or groomsmen. Yeah, you could go the traditional route and pick from your best human friends. Or you could jump on 2017’s trendiest wedding trend and choose llamas or alpacas instead!

The Story of Jan Crouch: Televangelist, Dog Lover, Wig Enthusiast

Jan Crouch, the notorious American Christian broadcaster, was a woman whose cotton-candy pink wig had it’s own orbit. According to most, Jan was the pinnacle of corrupt televangelists delving deeply into “Prosperity Gospel”. The Crouch’s family dynamics, immersed in sex scandals and financial secrecy, would give the Manson’s a run for their money.

Doug the Pug joins The Big Bang Theory cast for “The Big Pug Theory” parody

Doug the Pug is already a huge celeb himself, with over 2 million Instagram followers, a book on the New York Times Bestseller list and a ton of famous friends. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug) Known as the “King of Pop Culture”, he’s also known for his pop culture parodies. His latest is starring in a parody of one of the most popular shows on TV today The Big Bang Theory.

Maro the cosplaying cat chef eats and dresses better than you

Think your #foodstagram or #ootd game is strong? Well, Maro grams the best food shots while wearing the best outfits of the day, without one peace sign or duckface.

Doug the Pug, Lover of Pizza, Donuts, and Internet Fame with over 5 million Followers

Pugs love food – it’s a fact. But no one, canine and human alike, love it as much as Doug the Pug. Doug is a donut-chasing full-time pizza fanatic and the internet loves it.

Sam, the Kitty with Cara Delevingne Quality Eye Brows, 250K Followers, and a Book Deal

Sam, the kitty with eyebrows styled in the fashion of super-brow-model Cara Delevingne, has his own Instagram account with over 250k followers and a book deal. You can find him online doing Groucho Marx impressions and looking constantly perturbed throughout his daily events. Credit: @samhaseyebrows IG Sam was named after one of Andy Warhol’s many cats.

The “world’s cutest adventurer” Mr. Pokee is an African Pygmy Hedgehog with Wanderlust

Self proclaimed as the “world’s cutest adventurer” Mr. Pokee is an African Pygmy Hedgehog with wanderlust. He lives with his mom, Litha, in Norway, the two go on roadtrips throughout the country and the occasional European vacay all the while documenting their travels on Mr.

Check Out This Big Red Lizard (@macgyverlizard) That Acts Like a Puppy!

Is it some kind of demonic wiener dog? Is it a spoiler for the next season of Game of Thrones? Nope, it’s actually a giant red tegu lizard.

Baby Goats in PJs Frolicking in Colorful Onsies… YES! (Video)

Who doesn’t love baby goats frolicking in colorful onesies? There can never be too many internet videos of tiny farm animals, or cute baby animals in general. We are obsessed with this video of newborn Nigerian Dwarf Goats who were born at Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine and are romping around outside in pyjamas.