There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Mistaken cat-dentity: guy accidentally kidnaps neighbours cat, keeps hostage for 5 days

In a classic case of mistaken identity, a New Zealand man accidentally kidnapped his neighbour’s cat. Luckily for us, his mate Clarke Grayford was tweeting the entire incident. a mate spent $130 at vet on his cat then had to lock it in his bedroom for 5 days recovery, and JUST NOW HIS ACTUAL CAT WALKED IN 😂— Clarke Gayford (@NZClarke) October 10, 2017 The cat had been acting strangely (due to being a hostage) and so had a trip to the vet’s office where he was prescribed anti-anxiety medication and bed rest for 5 days, leading our kidnapper to lock the kitty in his bedroom.

Good boy Labrador failed guide dog school, hired as hotel concierge instead

Often your first job doesn’t work out, and sometimes you need to figure out what you really want to be when you grow up. Mr Walker recently did exactly that. Credit: @parkhyattmelbourne IG Mr Walker’s not your average hotel employee, he drools and poops outside but is a favourite with guests.

Thanksgiving Fashion Week: Animal Style

Thanksgiving, known to most as our national holiday of giving thanks for what we have and fighting with our relatives around the kitchen table (whatever you do, don’t bring up Trump with Uncle Frank). For some, it’s also a great opportunity to embarrass their beloved furbabies. Check out the best of Thanksgiving’s haute couture below.

You’ve heard of police dogs, but what about police cats? Meet Snickers The Police Cat

New Zealand does things a little differently, from Flight of the Concords to their odd national bird, the Kiwi the entire island is delightfully odd. It’s no surprise that they have also started employing police cats on the force. Tia and Snickers are two NZ police felines @snickersthepolicecat.

Blizzard and Lulu – BFF Goals: Big dog loves taking tiny dog everywhere on his back

Blizzard, a big Saint Bernard and Lulu, a tiny Japanese Spaniel clearly have a special friendship @blizzardandlulu. Blizzard’s human got Lulu when she was a puppy and they became buddies right away. Credit: @blizzardandlulu IG Credit: @blizzardandlulu IG With Blizzard being the strong and silent type, Lulu acted like he was her big brother.

Seven+ rescue dogs on misfit farm living the good life! @roofusandkilo

The day she rescued a dog from death row, minutes away from being put down was the day this woman’s life changed forever. Candice Miller saved a Pitbull named Kilo from being euthanized at a California shelter and began her lifelong journey of rescuing dogs @roofusandkilo. Credit: @roofusandkilo IG The Miller family consists of 4 humans, 7 adopted or rescued dogs, 5 chickens, 1 tortoise, and a rotating wheel of foster animals.

Wings of Rescue airlifts rescued animals out of Puerto Rico, devastated by Hurricane Maria

When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, the island collapsed. It was the strongest storm to land on the tiny island in 85 years. Puerto Rico had a large stray dog population and the situation was looking pretty bleak for the poor pups.

Cottages not cages for rescue dogs Luvable Dog Rescue

At first glance, you might assume this Oregon rescue shelter is a summer camp for dogs. Luvable Dog Rescue houses the pups in charming cabins instead of unwelcoming cages. The pups get to enjoy a total of 55 acres of land in Eugene, Oregon which includes a forest, meadows, hiking trails, and a small country road.

Crusoe the dachshund doesn’t let being a sausage stop his pro sports dreams

Crusoe isn’t your average dachshund, never letting his sausage-like stature stop him from reaching for the sky. He’s a social media celeb, adventurer, model, artist, author, chef, party animal and ladies’ man, looking to add pro-athlete to his already incredible resume. He started sharing his life online just a few years ago but has already stacked up a social media following of over 2 million.

Hero kayaker saves bag of puppies from drowning

A heroic kayaker rescued a bag of puppies from a river in Uxbridge, Massachusetts earlier this week. Luckily, he was in the right place at the right time for the newborn puppies who were in a tied grain sack, about to drown. The discovery was made near River Road, Uxbridge police are asking the public for help in catching whoever did this, stating “if you have any information that could lead us to the low life that could commit such a heinous act, contact Officer Benjamin Smoot at Uxbridge PD.”