There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Big pup fail, if you don’t fits you can’t sits.

This big ol doggo tried to fits n’ sits and failed epically. The golden retriever in the video clearly doesn’t know how big he truly is. In a hilarious display of canine-acrobatics the oversized pup twirls in a too-small dog bed until finally admitting defeat.

Unlikely animal friendships: Ruuxa, Raina, and Little Rae BFF’s

An unlikely trio Ruuxa, Raina, and Little Rae don’t appear to notice their extreme species difference. Ruuxa had a tough start. Abandoned by his mother, the cheetah kitten was alone in the world.

Lillith the elusive Lynx still at large, eludes zoo keepers and vacations on countryside

Lillith, a Lynx formerly residing at the Borth Wild Animal Kingdon Zoo in Wales has been missing since late October. Lillith escaped from her enclosure and has been galavanting throughout the countryside. She’s described as “a young juvenile, tan and white in colour with dark spots on her back and legs.

Dog flunks service training three times, finds job comforting those in need

Jake is a black lab mix who failed not once, not twice, but three times from service dog training. He doggedly pursued his dream of being a useful social servant and eventually landed a position that fit. Jake is now an emotional support pup at the Anderson County District Attorney General’s Office in Clinton.

Twin jaguar cubs born at Houston Zoo, too cute for words!

Two Jaguar cubs named Fitz and Emma were born at the Houston Zoo and are the most adorable thing you will see today. The cubs have been hiding out with their big momma, Maya, for the last 4 months but are finally ready for their grand debut. Zoo-goers are now welcome to take pictures, ooh-ing and ahh-ing to their heart’s content.

Ride or Die: top ten hitchhiking animals buds

Think you’ve got a sick whip? Unless you’re a bunny rabbit riding around on a tortoise, no one’s going to care that much about your new car. Check out these adorably hilarious photos of animals riding other animals!

Stolen puppy returned to family by thieves with a conscience

Tragedy struck a Melbourne home when thieves stole 4-year-old girls 8-week-old puppy. Maia, a young Australian girl, is left devastated after a robbery occurred at her family home. The thieves stole a laptop, an iPad, jewelry and their Labrador puppy, Sasha.

Piglets at Aldor Acres Family Farms twerk-off and shake their bacon

A couple of piglets had a dance-off captured on film by a couple lucky farm visitors. Brent, Elsa and Sandy decided to visit the Aldor Acres Family Farms petting zoo when they got more of a show then they had bargained for. The trio witnessed what can only be described as a booty-shake-off between a couple of piglets.

Musya the cat adopts orphaned hedgehog babies proving that love knows no bounds

Following a tragic incident with a lawnmower, eight orphaned hedgehog babies found refuge in an unlikely place. A cat named Musya stepped up after the hedgehoglets mother was killed in an unfortunate lawnmower accident. The cat was living at the Sadgorod Zoo in Vladivostok, Russia when workers found the abandoned hoglets.

Tinker Vol The Puppy with a high-chair to combat rare disease

Meet Tinker Vol, a silver lab pup living with Megaesophagus, a rare disease with a low survival rate. Megaesophagus occurs when the esophagus is enlarged to the point where food can’t travel down to the stomach. The dog can suffer from lack of nourishment and, in some extreme cases, starvation.