Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.
Only Fur
Dexter The Peacock Banned From United Airlines Has Instagram & It’s Gold
It turns out Dexter The Peacock @dexterthepeacock who was banned from a United Airlines flight to LA has a fire IG account. The flashy bird who was kicked off of a United Airlines flight is actually something of a celebrity. The peacock, whose name is Dexter, lives in Bushwick with his artist mother, Ventiko.
Bella the Squirrel is Half Wild and Half Family Pet
Bella the squirrel @cidandbella was found badly injured by an owl attack when she was just 4 weeks old. Hurt and vulnerable, she wasn’t able to survive on her own. Luckily, the little squirrel was found by a wildlife rescue group.
Cats in Hats: Kitty Dad Ryo Yamazaki Makes Cat’s Hats Using Their Own Fur
Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki @rojiman takes dressing up your pet to a whole new level. He makes hats for his cats using their own fur. Seriously.
Pompous Albert is The New Grumpy Cat
As Albert Einsteins’ namesake, this cat knows he’s better than you. Pompous Albert is allegedly a Selkirk Rex, but we have our doubts. It’s possible that he’s actually a cartoon villain come to life.
Top Ten Instagram Famous Pets of 2017
As we leave 2017 for 2018, let’s take a moment to reflect on the adorable pet-Instagram accounts that we know and love. Especially the ones with millions of followers. Here’s 2017’s top ten million-plus club: @Jiffpom Credit:@jiffpom IG Jiffpom is a three-time Guinness World Record holder.
Bettie Bee – Two-faced kitten’s twice the cute, living her best life
Bettie Bee is unlike other kittens in a big way. The tiny kitty-cat was born with two faces fused together. She’s a happy accident and, against all odds, is living happily in South Africa.
Stella Max the Piglet will warm your cold, icy hearts
Stella Max the Piglet @stellamaxpig can inspire holiday cheer in even the grinchiest of grinches this December. Watch her snuggle up to a space heater in this so-cute-I-want-to-die video below! View this post on Instagram A post shared by STELLA MAX JOHNSON (@stellamaxpig) Stella Max has the most holiday cheer and we could not love her more.
Toast Meets World Tragically Passes Away
Toast, the Internet’s favorite tongue-wagging fashionista (sorry, Miley Cyrus), has unfortunately passed away. The insta-famous pup was a puppy-mill rescue. She raised awareness and supported numerous charities working against puppy-mills.
Pom Pom Chewy’s half-pomeranian, half-fox and full-cute
Pom Pom Chewy is a Foxeranian, that is half-fox and half-pomeranian. He’s an Instagram sensation with over 66k followers. Living in Toronto, Canada with his mom, Nicole, Pom Pom Chewy passes the time by dressing up in some too-cute-for-words outfits.
Poochi Sushi, for the cultured pup
Welcome to 2017, where you can still be a police dog even though you’re a cat, and gangs of terrorist monkey run a mafia-like sting operation in Thailand. It’s no wonder that dog sushi is also now a thing. Poochi Sushi is a pop-up sushi lunch for your pup.