Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.

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Top 10 Dog Influencer Halloween Costumes on Instagram – 2023 Edition

The Celebrity Pets team has picked out favorite Halloween costumes from your favorite dog influencers for 2023!

Kernel, the Great Dane Therapy Dog, Went Viral for Adopting a Grandma

When you think of dog adoption, you usually think of a human adopting a dog. But this very big, very good boy did the opposite!

Smudge the Cat Is Your Unlikely Fitness Influencer

She may be old and overweight, but Smudge proves you can be a fitness influencer with just the right attitude!

Sami the Westie Is Your Source for Vacation Vibes

Sami the Westie is all vacation vibes, but he's also open about what it takes to be a pet travel influencer.

Sailing the Spooky Seas With Myles and Willow

These daring dachshunds are known for their boating adventures - And Halloween is no exception!

Tika the Iggy and Jared Leto Link Up for Leto’s Signature “Hot Mess” Makeup Tutorial

It's about time these two fashion icons finally collaborated... But can we expect a Tika X Leto makeup brand in the future?

Pixel and Sophie the Cornish Rex Cats are Pure Spooky Season Vibes

When you look like kitty versions of a vampire and ghost, you pretty much celebrate Halloween year-round.

Wally the Emotional Support Gator Went Viral for Getting Kicked Out of a Phillies Baseball Game

Wally, a licensed emotional support animal and huge Phillies fan (who happens to be an alligator) was sadly denied entry to watch his favorite team.

Millennial Dog Mom Antics: Interview with Shelby Susnick and Russell, aka @BoopleTheSnoot

Shelby and Russell sit down with us to discuss keeping it real while making us laugh, the Parvovirus, what their TED Talk topic would be, and more!

Storm the Weather Dog Has Worked In Meteorology for Over a Decade

After going viral for snaking onto a live weather report broadcast in 2012, Storm has been reporting the weather ever since!