Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.

Only Fur

Home » Only Fur » Page 11

Interview With Truffles the Kitty: Children’s Vision Ambassador, Philanthropist, and Eyewear Fashion Icon

From a stray to a renowned feline philanthropist, Truffles the Kitty shares her amazing story and mission of helping vision-challenged children!

Someone Finally Trained Their Cat To Play Mozart (And Created the First Cat Piano)

"Michael's self-esteem was at risk, and I couldn't bear to see him go the whole summer depressed. If Michael could learn how to order pizza, I know he could learn to play the piano."

Highlights From Dolly Parton’s Pet Gala Variety Show

Epic duets, a canine fashion show, human celebrities, and dog influencers - The Pet Gala had it all!

Interview With Sheena and Sapphie the Pomsky: Adjusting to Life With a Sassy Dog and Newborn Baby

Sheena and Sapphie took a break from co-parenting to share their experiences and advice for caring for a human baby and fur baby at the same time!

Minion the Rain-Hating Rescue Mutt Delights Millions With His Tiny Umbrella

This tiny guy hates getting wet, so his dad set him up with a cute little umbrella - And he's been gaining followers ever since!

Interview With Ethan Almighty: Abuse Survivor Turned Prominent Canine Socialite, Whiskey Influencer, and Rescue Advocate

Ethan Almighty sits down to discuss his incredible journey from a near-death rescue to an inspirational pet influencer.

This UPS Guy Went Viral for Collecting Adorable Photos With Neighborhood Dogs He Meets

No, it's not the packages being delivered - The real treasure is the furry friends you made along the way!

Interview With Madi the Chi and Serena of the Stadler Fam – Focusing On Mental Health, Fashion, and Fun!

We had a lovely chat with Madi the Chi, a 13-years-young Chihuahua influencer, and her mom, Serena, on topics ranging from the mental health benefits of fur babies to her signature smile, looking stylish in the snow, becoming a big sister, keeping it spicy, and more. Celebrity Pets: Thanks for joining us Madi and Serena. Serena, can you start our readers off with the story of how Madi became your fur baby?

A Man Found Two Stray Puppies On a Highway – And They’ve Been on a Road Trip Ever Since!

After finding two stray puppies on a road trip, Jordan Kahana quit his job and started a forever road trip with them!

Political Pup Dynasty: A Town in California Elected a Dog as Its Mayor for a Third Time

Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller III is the current mayor of Idyllwild, California, making him the third in a succession of Golden Retriever mayors since 2012.