Simon Gerard is the head writer and treats dealer at Celebrity Pets, where he's been researching and writing about the pampered pets of celebrities, pet influencers, and other pet-related topics since 2016. He also loves deep dives into notable pets throughout history, praising hard-working professional pets, and regaling in heart-warming rescue stories. Instead of interviewing pet parents and managers, Simon is most passionate about interviewing famous fur babies and pet influencers directly, giving them a much-deserved platform for their voice and letting fans get to know the real pet behind their celebrity persona. And what inspires him to write? That would be his muse and fur son Higgins, an incredibly charming and well-dressed Corgipoo.


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What’s updog? Who cares because under-dogs are way cuter

©Facebook Underlook / the Under-dogs project Photographer Andrius Burba has blessed the internet with his latest photo series, featuring the cute underbellies of various doggos. He was able to take these unique shots thanks to a specially-made glass table to support the different sized canines.

Rescue Pit Bull Mom Adopting 3 Blind Kittens Is the Only Thing You Need to See Today

Rescue pit bulls adopts 3 blind cats, more proof pit bulls are awesome parents. Here’s a great story about great parents, both animal and humans. Pit bulls Alfie and Frankie were found five years ago, locked in a shed and starving to death.

Woman brings her dog to a Furry Convention, hilariously finds out it’s not for pets

Last week, Link the Bernese mountain dog, who also works as a therapy dog, went with his human Cheryl Wassus to the Motor City Furry Con. Link’s human is a volunteer for the non-profit Pets for Vets, which this “furry” convention was sponsoring, so she thought it would be fun to check it out. They did have fun, but they had no idea that “furry” isn’t about pets.

Wheelchair Dog Runs Faster Than Regular Dogs at the Park, Wins The Race to our Hearts

While this tiny Boston terrier lacks the use of his back legs, he makes up for it with a big positive attitude. And not only that, he’s able to keep up and even runs faster than his four-legged buddies! Check out the video and let this little guy inspire you to conquer the obstacles in your life.

This Corgi Mermaid on a Thailand Beach is Pure #summerbod Goals

With summer just around the corner, many of us are aiming to back in shape. One big reason is to look good on the beach. Sure you might be a fit human or a fit fish or some combination of the two… But you can just give up now because you’ll never look as good as this corgi mermaid.

Lost Cat Goes on a 2,000 Mile, 4-year Mystery Trip from California to Canada

BooBoo the cat’s story started in 2013 when she was found by Ashley Aleman. Only a few months old, BooBoo was a stray that was lucky to be found by Ashley and her sister. Their parents had said they couldn’t get a cat and they already had a pit bull, so the sisters hid BooBoo for a week.

Pigcasso the Pig Paints to Support her Farm Sanctuary

Facebook / Farm Sanctuary SA / Pigcasso paints portraits inspired by her landscape We’re sorry to report that in March 2023, Pigcasso passed away at 8 years old. You can read our tribute here. A year ago, Pigcasso was a piglet born in a factory farm in South Africa.

Taiwan Becomes First Asian Country to Officially Ban Eating Dog and Cat Meat

In Asia, eating dogs and cats is legal, but many people there are changing their views on this controversial issue. Taiwan is now the first Asian country to make it an official law that dogs and cats can’t be slaughtered and sold for humans to eat. This is part of new animal protection laws that have been developing in the country for the last few years.

French Bulldogs Playing Soccer for Disabled Dog Charity (VIDEO)

We can all agree French bulldogs are pretty much peak cute already. But how about Frenchies playing soccer? But also playing to support a charity?

The Inspirational Story of a Broke Sylvester Stallone Selling his Dog for $40 and Buying Him Back for $15,000

Have you heard the famous story of Butkus Stallone who was tragically separated from his human before being reunited and starring in the film Rocky? Sylvester Stallone got Butkus when he was just a tiny puppy in 1971. This is when he was a struggling actor and could barely afford food or housing for him or Butkus.