Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.


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This Dog Works as a Hostess at a Korean Restaurant (And Also Her Puppies!)

Haneul, a Korean canine with a career in hospitality, has worked as a server for 7 years... And her kids have joined in!

BTS V’s (Kim Taehyung) Dog Yeontan Becomes the First K-Pop Pet To Have an Official FanCam Performance

Yeontan is the first "K-Pup" to have an official fancam performance, as he shares the spotlight with his human V for his new hit single "Slow Dancing."

World’s Tallest Dog, Zeus the Great Dane, Has Tragically Passed Away From Cancer at Age Three

After being crowned the World's Tallest dog by Guinness World Records last year, Zeus the Great Dane has crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a battle with cancer.

Enjoy an Endless Summer Through the Life of Goldendoodles Lincoln & London

For most of us, summer eventually comes to an end... But not for Lincoln and London, two Goldendoodles living their best lives in Southern California!

2023 MTV VMA Winners: Meet Their Celebrity Pets!

We take a tour of the proud pets of the 2023 MTV VMA winners - Including Taylor Swift, Shakira, Nicki Minaj, Lana Del Rey, Blackpink, and more!

Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Get Tattoos of Their Late Dog Zelda

Seth Rogen and wife Lauren Miller were both devoted fur parents to their dog Zelda, who passed away in May at almost 14 years old. Now their devotion continues with tattoos of Zelda!

Tucson Prime: From Stray Dog to Car Salesman

Tucson is proof that hard work can pay off if you're persistent. After visiting a Hyundai dealership every day, they eventually gave him a job!

PETA Continues Their Beef With Pete Davidson – by Selling Halloween Costumes of Him and His Puppy

First, PETA publicly blasted Davidson for buying a pet store puppy. Then, he left a profanity-laced voicemail for PETA's CEO. Now PETA has fired back!

Four-Legged Fashion Week: ‘Fashionable Dogs’ Exhibit at NYC’s Museum of the Dog

To coincide with New York Fashion Week 2023, the American Kennel Club's Museum of the Dog is hosting a "Fashionable Dogs" exhibit for the rest of the year.

Metalhead German Shepherd Sneaks in and Watches Metallica Concert in California

Storm, a metalhead since she was a pup, ignored her pawrents to fulfill her lifelong dream: See Metallica in concert!