In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.


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Emma Watson Plays with Kittens and Talks After Beauty and The Beast

Emma Watson, once just a regular student at Hogwarts, has now claimed official Disney Princess status #MajorKeyAlert. Starring as Belle in the new live-action Beauty and the Beast, she’s been busy touring to promote it.

Blind Stray Cat Rescued and Healed, Revealing his Amazing Eyes

Cotton was found blind and living outdoors by a nice human named Joe in Florida. When leaving food outside for his cat, Cotton came out of nowhere and started eating the food. Joe could see the kitty was very hungry and in bad shape, with rough fur and his eyes crusted shut.

Deadmau5 Suing Over His Cat Named Professor Meowingtons

Deadmau5, the famous mouse-headed DJ and producer is currently in a legal battle over his cat’s name “Professor Meowingtons”. This follows up his 2014 legal battle with a mouse named Mickey, when Disney didn’t like him using a mouse head for his logo. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Prof.

Top 10 Instafamous Felines Who Went From Rags to Richest

Tired of waking up every Monday morning and dragging yourself to a cubicle? Go adopt a cat. Follow in the pawprints of the likes of Grumpy Cat and Lil Bub and your bank account will thank you.

Top 10 Exotic House Cats of Instagram

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own a tiny leopard or real-life sphynx? Here we explore the lives of exotic jungle cats roaming the tops of bookshelves, knocking off potted plants with absolutely no remorse and attacking their humans in their sleep. Check out these Instagram accounts of nature’s ferocious house cats in all their butt-showing, box-loving sassy glory.

Lil Bub the ‘mysterious alien woman’ Raises over $300,000 for ASPCA

Lil Bub the ‘mysterious alien woman’, perma-kitten, under-cat and general inspiration to human and feline-kind alike has raised over $300,000 for Lil BUBS Big FUND proceeds of which go to the ASPCA. The featherweight kitty (weighing in at a whopping 3.9lbs) was born Polydactyl (with extra toes), with dwarfism and the bone disease Osteopetrosis (the opposite of Osteoporosis). The cat is toothless and has an underdeveloped jaw causing her tongue to perpetually stick out.

Taylor Swift’s Cat Insulted by Comedian John Cleese

Taylor Swift is a known cat lover with her two Scottish Folds, Olivia and Meredith Grey, celebrities themselves. John Cleese is also a collector of cats and has 5 Maine Coons. When these two feline enthusiasts with completely different types of cats appeared on The Graham Norton Show, their claws came out.

Grumpy Cat, 2012 Internet Sensation, Rumored to Have a $100 Million Dollar Net Worth

Who knew that underbites and dwarfism could be so lucrative? Grumpy Cat, a 2012 internet sensation who embodied exactly those qualities was rumored to have a net worth of $100 million dollars. Although this number has been refuted by the cat’s owner, Tabatha Bundesen has since been able to quit her waitressing job.

Designer Pets of the Fashion World and Their Celebrity Parents

Ever wonder how your pay check lines up against say, a Birman cat’s salary? Have you ever wondered about the lives of pooches and pussies who live in the lap of luxury? From private jets to personal maids and butlers, these pets have it all.

Forget New York’s 2017 Fashion Week. The 14th NY Pet Fashion Show is Much More Adorable and Amazing

New York’s 2017 Fashion Week would not be complete without a literal cat walk. The 14th Annual NY Pet Fashion Show presented by TropiClean at the Hotel Pennsylvania commenced Thursday February 9th with over 150 high fashion four legged models. Taking place ahead of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, the show boasts an all-inclusive cast of animal models, made all the more apparent with the Kennels cat-controversy happening this year.