In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
Michigan Town Elects Cat As Mayor
Sweet Tart, aka the Olivia Pope of felines, just became the mayor of a small Michigan town. Sweet Tart purred her way to the top of the votes, beating out another cat, 13 dogs, a peacock, a goat and a chicken. The peacock, whose name is Bert, stated: “Peacocks have very good brains, I know everything.”
Meet Diesel, The Screaming 25lb House Cat
When Kelsie Powers first rescued Diesel, she had no idea how big the cat would grow. Reaching a whopping 25 pounds the house-beast (her words, not mine) resembles a tiny, shorthaired panther. While no one knows for sure why Diesel’s grown as big as he has, vets suspect it could be feline acromegaly.
2 Scottish Wildcats AKA The Rarest Kittens In The World Rescued
Two orphaned kittens were found in the West Highlands of Scotland. Scottish wildcat kittens are an adorably real thing, but their species is close to extinction. The Scottish wildcat, also known as a Highlands tiger, is a subspecies of the European wildcat native to Scotland.
Baidianr Psychic Cat Predicts World Cup Winners Dies
Baidianr was your average museum cat, chasing mice and living the good life. The kitty would have stayed relatively unknown if it wasn’t for some of the Beijing Palace Museum staff being soccer (or football for those of you in the UK) fans. Staff soon discovered the cat had some amazing psychic abilities.
Man rescues a kitten, discovers it’s a baby bobcat
A kind man in Minnesota heard a kitten crying one night and investigated, finding her alone in a parking lot. After taking her home, he started to notice a few things that made her different from the average kitty: She had really big paws for her size and a strange meow… He suspected she might not be a regular domestic cat and turned her into the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota.
Harry Styles, Two Chickens, & Several Dogs Pose for Gucci in This Fish & Chips Shop
The Harry Styles Gucci campaign took an odd – but adorable – turn when the shoot included two live chickens and several fluffy dogs. Oh, and it was shot in a local London fish n’ chips shop. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @gucci Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG Credit: @gucci IG The shoot’s for the new autumn/winter 2018-19 tailoring campaign.
“The cat who finally caught the laser” and more hilarious cat videos from Aaron’s Animals
With no shortage of cute cat videos on the internet, it’s hard to stand out. But for Prince Michael and his human Aaron Benitez, they make going viral look easy. Over the last few years, they’ve released a stream of hilarious animal videos, featuring the acting talent of Michael and the special effects wizardry of Aaron.
Rescue Cat Saves Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Odorless, colorless, and tasteless: high-concentrates of carbon monoxide can poison you within five minutes. If it wasn’t for their rescue cat Mr. Boo, the Kecskes family could have succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning due to an issue with their gas boiler.
Meet Potato: The Blind Dwarf Munchkin Cat Who Was Rescued & Healed
Potato @realstumpycat is blind and weighs only 3 pounds, but that doesn’t stop her from living her best life. The kitty was born with extremely short legs – we’re talking inches – and a host of other issues. Luckily she’s got a loving furever mom who’s helped the little cat overcome impossible odds.
This Two-Legged Pups Bestie is a Three-Legged Goat at Snooty Giggles Dog Rescue
Some of the animal friendship stories posted are unlikely as they come. Others, however, are a match made in animal-rescue heaven. They might be different species, but Nullah and Rhetta have a bond that goes beyond DNA.