Simon Gerard is the head writer and treats dealer at Celebrity Pets, where he's been researching and writing about the pampered pets of celebrities, pet influencers, and other pet-related topics since 2016. He also loves deep dives into notable pets throughout history, praising hard-working professional pets, and regaling in heart-warming rescue stories. Instead of interviewing pet parents and managers, Simon is most passionate about interviewing famous fur babies and pet influencers directly, giving them a much-deserved platform for their voice and letting fans get to know the real pet behind their celebrity persona. And what inspires him to write? That would be his muse and fur son Higgins, an incredibly charming and well-dressed Corgipoo.


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PuiPui The Bunny – Your day just got better thanks to this Tokyo cosplaying bunny

PuiPui The Bunny @puipui_the_bunny lives in Tokyo and thanks to his human who hand makes all his outfits, he also lives very stylishly. Not much to say we can say about him, other than the more you scroll down this post the better your day will get.

Justin Beaver Baby beaver makes himself feel at home (by building one out of toys)

Justin Bieber, sorry, Justin Beaver, is a lucky baby beaver who lives at the Second Chances Wildlife Center in Kentucky. He was an orphan that was rescued last summer at 8 weeks old. Without parents to raise him, he can’t return to the wild, but he doesn’t let that hold him back.

The Fast and the Furious: Wiener Dog Drift with Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund

Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund is a dog of many talents. Entrepreneur, philanthropist, world traveller, hunter, author, model, actor, athlete (he even tried out for the NHL and the Toronto Raptors). On top of this already impressive list, he’s now added NASCAR driver.

Patrick Stewart finds home for foster pitbull, starts rescue dog fundraiser

Last time we wrote about the amazing Sir Patrick Stewart, he had taken in a lovely foster pitbull named Ginger when he was promoting the film Logan with Hugh Jackman. His wife Sunny Ozell and him fell in love with Ginger right away. He said after not owning a dog in 50 years, Ginger really changed his outlook on dogs and life.

Good boy Labrador failed guide dog school, hired as hotel concierge instead

Often your first job doesn’t work out, and sometimes you need to figure out what you really want to be when you grow up. Mr Walker recently did exactly that. Credit: @parkhyattmelbourne IG Mr Walker’s not your average hotel employee, he drools and poops outside but is a favourite with guests.

Blizzard and Lulu – BFF Goals: Big dog loves taking tiny dog everywhere on his back

Blizzard, a big Saint Bernard and Lulu, a tiny Japanese Spaniel clearly have a special friendship @blizzardandlulu. Blizzard’s human got Lulu when she was a puppy and they became buddies right away. Credit: @blizzardandlulu IG Credit: @blizzardandlulu IG With Blizzard being the strong and silent type, Lulu acted like he was her big brother.

Crusoe the dachshund doesn’t let being a sausage stop his pro sports dreams

Crusoe isn’t your average dachshund, never letting his sausage-like stature stop him from reaching for the sky. He’s a social media celeb, adventurer, model, artist, author, chef, party animal and ladies’ man, looking to add pro-athlete to his already incredible resume. He started sharing his life online just a few years ago but has already stacked up a social media following of over 2 million.

World’s tallest cat and cat with world’s longest tail also happen to be roommates

Two spectacular feline roommates have recently set two separate Guinness World Records. Cygnus Regulus, a silver Maine Coon has the new record for “Longest Tail on a domestic cat (living)”. His tail measures in at 17.58 inches (44.66cm).

The Instagram Adventures of Suki the Bengal Cat

Ever wish you could quit your job and become a travelling Instagram model? Well, @Sukiicat the Bengal already beat you to it. Since opening her Instagram account at the end of March, she’s already stacked up 228,000 followers in five months, getting up to 50,000 likes per post.

When cats fly: Furry stowaway takes an unexpected flight

A four-legged resident of French Guiana took a nap inside the wing of what it thought must be the skeleton of a giant tropical bird. Little did this cat know its hammock-of-the-day was a microlight aircraft, something it wouldn’t learn until it was already several hundred feet in the air. Lucky for the cat, it was hanging on tight inside the wing and was noticed by the pilot.