Michael Bay charged with killing a pigeon but denies the allegation
Director Michael Bay, known for blowing stuff up, has been accused of killing a pigeon in Italy, but says no animals were ever hurt on set.
The Celebrity Pets of the 2023 Golden Globe Award Winners
With the 2023 Golden Globe Awards winners announced, you now know what to stream this weekend. But do you know what pets these acclaimed actors have on their couches while they binge-watch?
Meet Mamé the skateboarding zebra finch
Cool, cute, and talented - Mamé the Zebra Finch isn't even a year old and hes's already ripping up ramps on his skateboard!
Logan Paul’s pig Pearl found abandoned and neglected, rescued by Gentle Barn Sanctuary
YouTuber Logan Paul's pig Pearl was just found abandoned and in poor health, but was luckily rescued by The Gentle Barn Sanctuary.
Dottie the Dwarf – Tiny Griffon, Giant Heart
Dottie is a Griffon with dwarfism that was almost euthanized, but now her bravery and sass inspires people around the world!
Messi the Puma: Not your average house cat
Messi was rescued from a Russian Zoo and unable to return to the wild due to health issues. A caring couple took him in and now he's world-famous!
The story of Biquette the punk rock goat
After being rescued from a slaughterhouse, Biquette enjoyed the rest of her years partying with punk rockers.
Meet Long Boi – A really really long duck
Long Boi is a very special duck at the University of York in England that went viral for being very long.
Jamal Galves the Manatee Man is a superhero that saves baby manatees
Starting at age 11, Jamal Galves has been helping with manatee conservation for over 20 years in Belize and Florida.
Study finds rats bop their heads to music by Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Maroon 5
Researchers at the University of Tokyo played a few tracks for rats and found they bopped their heads to the beat.