In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.
GoalKitty Waves Her Hands in the Air Like She Just Doesn’t Care
GoalKitty is a cat that loves throwing her hands in the air. And a cat that the internet loves making memes of!
Michael the Cat Gives His First Pet Piano Performance at CatCon
After a year of product development and practice, Michael of "Aaron's Animals" fame finally performs live with his Pet Piano!
These Ancient Roman Ruins Are Now a Cat Sanctuary
Are you always thinking about the Roman Empire? And/or cats? Then we have the article for you!
Teri Hatcher Decides to Date Her Cat After Getting Kicked off Dating App
After accusations of catfishing, the former "Desperate Housewife" decided to settle down with her Scottish Fold cat.
Karl Lagerfeld’s Cat Choupette Celebrates Her 13th Birthday With a Parisian Picnic
Worth an estimated net worth of $13 million, the 13-year-old kitty hosted her bday on the lawn of the Palace of Versailles, of course.
Lupita Nyong’O and Her Rescue Kitty Take on ‘A Quiet Place’ Cat TikTok Challenge
This TikTok challenge is based on Nyong'O's movie, "A Quiet Place: Day One," where humans and their cats attempt to stay quiet while running around to survive.
Halle Berry Poses Topless with Her Rescue Cats to Celebrate ‘Catwoman’ 20th Anniversary and Promote Adoption
After rescuing a feral cat family, Halle Berry was proud to show her two kitties off in memory of her role as Catwoman and thank the shelter that helped.
Katie Holmes Debuts New Ragdoll Cat With Rare Candid Selfie
With her daughter Suri heading to college, Holmes has a new (fur) child to keep her company at home!
Jennifer Garner Does the ‘Showing My Cat Places in the House He’s Never Seen Before’ Tour
The aquarium was a hit, but the bed not so much surprisingly.
Prohor TV: A Guy Using a Drone and Remote Control Car to Track Down and Feed Stray Cats
A kind human named Prohor in Russia is employing a unique way to care for stray kitties while also raising funds for them!