In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.


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Millie Bobby Brown Teases Her Upcoming Pet Apparel and Accessories Collection

"Stranger Things" star Millie Bobby Brown has shown off the first item and some details of her upcoming collection of pet apparel and accessories.

Kate Beckinsale Mourns the Death of Clive, Her Beloved Persian Cat

Kate Beckinsale's fluffy fur kid Clive, who was around 15 or 16 years old and a cancer survivor, has sadly passed away.

Cute AI-Generated Cats Doing Human Stuff

If this is the future our AI overlords want, then sign me up!

Duke Ellington Morris, a 14-Year-Old Therapy Cat, Has Joined the San Francisco Airport’s Wag Brigade

If you ever feel like you're too old to start a new career or help those in need, let Duke the therapy cat inspire you!

The Little Mermaid 2023: Meet the Pets of the Cast

From Halle Bailey's Little Mermaid-inspired cat named Poseidon to Jonah Hauer-King's Bichon Friese and British Shorthair, meet all of the casts' fur babies!

Dr. Alpine the Adventure Cat Became His Human’s Wedding Ring Bearer

Dr. Alpine the Adventure Cat has done it all: Hiker. Swimmer. Skier. Paddle Boarder. And now Ring Bearer!

AI Images of Celebrities Holding Cats by @TheCatLuminati

The Cat Whisperer has created a fun series of AI-generated portraits of celebrities holding cats, including Beyonce, Adele, Dwayne Johnson, and more!

Sir Indiana Bones: From Shelter Cat to Museum Manager

No, this isn’t a “Night at the Museum” reboot. This is the true story of how a shelter cat became the official office kitty of the Museum of Osteology and Skulls Unlimited. (But someone should talk to Ben Stiller about getting this story adapted for the reboot.) Credit: @sirindianabones/Instagram Just so you’re clear before we get into the story. ” Osteology” is the study of bones, and “Skulls Unlimited” is a leading supplier of osteological specimens (bones stuff). @sirindianabones I hope everyone is having a pawfect weekend!

Christopher Watson @thecatluminati is a Cat Whisperer That Delights Felines and Humans

Christopher Watson of @thecatluminati has a natural connection with our feline friends, which has in turn inspired humans to help cats in need.

Interview with Poseidon the Bengal Cat: Adventures from Oceans to Mountains

Poseidon the Bengal is an adventure cat that explores with no limits. From springtime fields, summer lakes, autumn forests, to winter mountains.