If you’re looking for a pet that’s low-maintenance and provides plenty of fresh milk, then a cow may be the perfect choice for you. Although they may not be the first animal that comes to mind when thinking of pets, having a cow has been increasing in popularity across social media.
Best of Drake’s ‘In My Feelings’ Challenge, Includes Two Dogs and a Cow
Drake’s song In My Feelings has created a dance challenge, inspiring some pretty hilarious – and tragic – viral videos. But, as always, we like the ones with four-legs best. The In My Feelings Challenge is also called the Keke Challenge or The Shiggy Dance Challenge.
Cow Escapes Slaughterhouse, Breaks Farmers Arm, Smashes Through Metal Fence, and Escapes by Swimming to an Abandoned Island
Even the cows in Poland are tough as nails. One badass bovine decided to take matters into her own hooves after finding out she was destined for the slaughterhouse. Her farmer tried to warn the transport crew that they would need to sedate the furious cow before loading her into the truck.
Diane Cow Frolicking Through Snow at Farm Sanctuary Wins At Winter
Winter blues got you down? Just peep this video of a cow dancing in the snow – it’s guaranteed to melt your cold, frozen heart. Diane Cow lives at Farm Sanctuary in Upstate New York.
Bull escapes slaughterhouse, causes chaos in Brooklyn and hilarity on Twitter
A bull escaped death when he broke out of a slaughterhouse near 16th St and 4th Ave in Sunset Park, New York. Originally dubbed The Brooklyn Cow in a case of mistaken gender, The Brooklyn Bull (@thebrooklynbovine) speaks out on Twitter. #Cows are females, #bulls are intact, #steer are neutered. Plz don’t misgender me. #brooklyncow #brooklynbull— Brooklyn Cow (@BrooklynBovine) October 17, 2017 The Brooklyn Bull’s also been trolling the NY Times and horses.