There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Evan Antin: the fire celebrity vet who is a gift to us all

If you haven’t creeped Evan Antin on Instagram yet, do yourself a favor and click here. The vet is a favorite at People magazine who took on the arduous task of compiling this video. You can watch the 90-second hypnotizing clip of the charming veterinarian talking to animals below.

Bettie Bee – Two-faced kitten’s twice the cute, living her best life

Bettie Bee is unlike other kittens in a big way. The tiny kitty-cat was born with two faces fused together. She’s a happy accident and, against all odds, is living happily in South Africa.

Hardy the dog a Labrador saved from icy death by local hero

Hardy the dog had an icy surprise when he fell through a frozen river in Ashington, Northumberland. The pooch was out for a stroll with his dog walker when he became trapped in a local river. The black lab loves swimming in cold water, but didn’t realize that day that temperatures were too low.

Stella Max the Piglet will warm your cold, icy hearts

Stella Max the Piglet @stellamaxpig can inspire holiday cheer in even the grinchiest of grinches this December. Watch her snuggle up to a space heater in this so-cute-I-want-to-die video below! View this post on Instagram A post shared by STELLA MAX JOHNSON (@stellamaxpig) Stella Max has the most holiday cheer and we could not love her more.

Toast Meets World Tragically Passes Away

Toast, the Internet’s favorite tongue-wagging fashionista (sorry, Miley Cyrus), has unfortunately passed away. The insta-famous pup was a puppy-mill rescue. She raised awareness and supported numerous charities working against puppy-mills.

Baby Panda tries to take a bite out of France’s First Lady

Cute and cuddly? Not this baby panda. Yuan Meng is a baby panda you don’t want to mess with: just ask Brigitte Macron.

Unlikely Animal Friendship: Bubbles and Bella

Today in unlikely animal friendships, meet Bella and Bubbles. The duo doesn’t mind their extreme size difference. Bubbles is an African elephant and Bella’s a black Labrador, both are residents at the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina.

Baby Sloth born in case of surprise pregnancy!

In a shocking turn of events, the Texas Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo was surprised with a tiny, slow-moving bundle November 17, 2017. A baby Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth was born to happy parents Sylvia and Sid. The baby was a surprise for all zoo workers, who had no idea that Sylvia was pregnant.

Late Star Wars star Carrie Fisher’s French Bulldog Gary is the center of a celeb dispute

Gary, Carrie Fisher’s French Bulldog, is currently the cause for some celebrity drama. Gary was entrusted to Fisher’s assistant, Corby McCoin after she tragically passed away in December of 2016. The rumors that Billie Lourd, Carrie’s daughter, has Gary have been proven false by TMZ.

Bear goes for joyride in stolen SUV, crashes and trashes vehicle

A bear in Colorado broke into a parked SUV, pooped in the backseat and went for a joyride that ended with crashing into a mailbox. In Durango, Colorado Ron Cornelius woke up at 5 AM to find his family’s vehicle trashed in the front yard. During the night, a bear managed to enter the car and release the parking brake.