There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.
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Chicken Fashion: Diapers, Saddles, & Tutu’s for Poultry by Pampered Poultry
Chicken diapers are a thing. And, chicken enthusiasts love them. Julie Baker, the owner of Pampered Poultry @pamperedpoultry, was just as surprised as you when she discovered the high demand for her custom-made chicken diapers.
@WeRateDogs UPDATE: ‘They’re Good Dogs Brent’ Guy Comes Full Circle
Ever heard of @WeRateDogs? If you have, you know it’s the pinnacle of dog-rating accounts. If you haven’t, you need to follow them immediately.
Shark Smuggled From Aquarium in Stroller, Thief Is Charged
The thief who kidnapped a horn shark named Miss Helen from the San Antonio Aquarium has been charged with felony theft. The heist was pulled off by netting Miss Helen out of a tide pool exhibit while the attendant was with other, innocent aquarium guests. The three thieves wrapped Miss Helen in a wet blanket but didn’t have anywhere to put her.
Man Uses Live Alligator as Purse When Beer Shopping
You guessed it – Florida strikes again and it’s almost as weird as this possum’s B&E. A man grabbed a live gator and went for a beer run. In the video, you see him toting the gator under his arm like a crocodile-skin clutch, only still alive.
Michigan Town Elects Cat As Mayor
Sweet Tart, aka the Olivia Pope of felines, just became the mayor of a small Michigan town. Sweet Tart purred her way to the top of the votes, beating out another cat, 13 dogs, a peacock, a goat and a chicken. The peacock, whose name is Bert, stated: “Peacocks have very good brains, I know everything.”
Best of Drake’s ‘In My Feelings’ Challenge, Includes Two Dogs and a Cow
Drake’s song In My Feelings has created a dance challenge, inspiring some pretty hilarious – and tragic – viral videos. But, as always, we like the ones with four-legs best. The In My Feelings Challenge is also called the Keke Challenge or The Shiggy Dance Challenge.
Meet Diesel, The Screaming 25lb House Cat
When Kelsie Powers first rescued Diesel, she had no idea how big the cat would grow. Reaching a whopping 25 pounds the house-beast (her words, not mine) resembles a tiny, shorthaired panther. While no one knows for sure why Diesel’s grown as big as he has, vets suspect it could be feline acromegaly.
2 Scottish Wildcats AKA The Rarest Kittens In The World Rescued
Two orphaned kittens were found in the West Highlands of Scotland. Scottish wildcat kittens are an adorably real thing, but their species is close to extinction. The Scottish wildcat, also known as a Highlands tiger, is a subspecies of the European wildcat native to Scotland.
Farrah Ambraham’s Loses Dog Right After Being Charged With Assault
Farrah Abraham’s life has been televised since she made her debut on 16 & Pregnant and later Teen Mom. She posted a very public video of her daughter, Sophia and herself mourning the loss of their dog, Blue who passed away suddenly. The video below is shocking – be warned you can see Blue’s body lying on the vet table underneath the pair.
Cyclist Bikes Injured Dog 7 Miles, Saving His Life
Columbo was rescued from a near-death experience by two good samaritans in Georgia. Jarrett Little was out for an average Tuesday bike ride when he came across an injured pup, crawling out of the woods. “They say the odds of winning the lottery are one in a million,” Jarrett Little posted on his Facebook page “This pup was the winner this week.” Credit: Jarrett Little FB Credit: Jarrett Little FB Credit: Jarrett Little FB Credit: Jarrett Little FB Credit: Jarrett Little FB “We stopped to regroup and he came out of the woods to greet us. He was really thin, ribs showing and had a lot of road rash and a broken leg,” Little told CBS News.