Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.

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“If It Fits, I Sits”, Maru, the Cardboard Box King’s Mantra Could Teach us All Something

Maru @maruhanamogu, the box aficionado, is a cardboard king who lives his life by the mantra “if I fits, I sits”. He’s gathered over 20k followers on Instagram but his real claim to fame is his YouTube channel. He’s got hundreds of so-cute-you-want-to-die videos where he’ll squeeze his fluffy kitty body into much too small boxes.

Manny the French Bulldog with 150,000 Fans and Snoop Dogg is One of Them

Who’s got Snoop Dogg as a personal fan, exclusively sleeps in sinks and has more followers than you? Manny the French Bulldog, of course. This smiley babe started life as the unwanted runt of a litter, he’s now raised over $150,000 for charity.

Pumpkin the Orphaned Raccoon That Thinks She’s a Dog

Unlike her dumpster-diving ancestors, Pumpkin the Raccoon exudes class. Her tiny little fingers sift through porcelain-plated berries instead of trash and she sleeps on fine linens. The little rascal lives the good life in The Bahama’s with her loving family.

Pigcasso the Pig Paints to Support her Farm Sanctuary

Facebook / Farm Sanctuary SA / Pigcasso paints portraits inspired by her landscape We’re sorry to report that in March 2023, Pigcasso passed away at 8 years old. You can read our tribute here. A year ago, Pigcasso was a piglet born in a factory farm in South Africa.

Nala the Cat From Rescue to Riches Makes $15,000 for each Sponsored Post

Meet Nala Cat, if this isn’t your first time on the internet you’ve probably seen her before. The kitty has stunted legs, big periwinkle eyes and, according to MSN, makes $15,500 for each sponsored post. She was adopted by owner Varisiri Mathachittiphan on a whim.

Ludwik The Hairless Nude Guinea Pig Model With over 160K Followers

Meet Ludwik, the nude model unconcerned with dieting. This hot new model is a hairless or “skinny” guinea pig who’s usually photographed next to his snacks. Shoutout to Guinea Pigs for neither being pigs nor from Guinea and being pretty unphased by the whole thing.

Luna is a Bernese Mountain Dog Norway With Over 70k Followers

Luna is a Bernese Mountain Dog from Norway. She’s gained over 70k followers on Instagram in the short time she’s been online. The Berner and her “hooman” Anette, consistently post cute pics of them on adventures.

Venus the two-faced Chimera Cat is a Biological Miracle and also Instafamous

Venus, the two-faced Chimera cat, has over a million followers on both Instagram and Facebook and we can see why. The cat has a captivating two-toned face and different coloured eyes. Credit: @venustwofacecat IG There are two leading theories of why Venus looks the way she does.

Top 10 Instafamous Dogs to Follow That Pull at Your Heart Strings

@Tunameltsmyheart The underdog with the overbite… View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tuna {breed:chiweenie} (@tunameltsmyheart) The underdog with the overbite, Tuna the Chiweenie has a recessed jaw, a floppy neck and over a million followers on Instagram. The dog has a travel blog, Traveling Tuna, and his own merchandise line.

How a Feral Silicon Valley Cat Became Hamilton the Hipster Cat

Hamilton the Hipster Cat @hamilton_the_hipster_cat was once a feral in Silicon Valley. He made an instant connection with his techie dad who adopted him on the spot. For Ham, it’s a classic rags to riches story.