Welcome to CelebrityPets.net, the online community that celebrates the pets of the world.

We believe that every pet is special and unique, and that's why we're not just about celebrities or millions of followers. Whether it's a rescue dog that has overcome adversity, a pet influencer, or a loyal cat that brings joy to its family, every pet can become the next Grumpy Cat.

Our website features articles that showcase the inspiring stories of real everyday pets, as well as social media celebrity pets with millions of followers who have sponsors and support charities. We love to share stories that entertain, inspire, educate or help our readers, and if a pet can do that, they're a celebrity to us.

We're a team of volunteers who are passionate about pets and featuring them. Based in Vancouver, BC, we follow and support various charities that work to improve the lives of pets around the world. We believe that every living creature has a chance to become a celebrity, and we're here to help make that happen. One of our founders actually got to meet Jiff Pom in Vegas, and it was actually his 4th happiest day ever!

OMG, guess what?! We've been growing big time! People Magazine, The Washington Post, Cracked, Niki Swift, Newsweek, and more have all given us a shoutout! Can you belive it?! We're "famous"! And it's all thanks to our love for pets! We knew it all along - people just coan't resist our furry friends! Woo hoo!

If you're a pet lover with a story to tell, we invite you to contribute to our website. Whether it's an article, photo, or video, we'd love to hear from you. Together, we can celebrate the pets that bring joy and love to our lives every day.

Thank you for visiting CelebrityPets.net, and we hope you enjoy our website!


If you're wondering who runs CelebrityPets.net, I'm happy to tell you that it's a group of pet-loving individuals that just love animals! We're the kind of people who could spend hours scrolling through pet videos and talking about our furry friends day in and day out.

Our passion for pets inspired us to launch this website and get more involved in the pet community. We wanted to create a place where fellow pet enthusiasts can get their daily dose of adorable pets.

So, if you're looking for some cute and funny pet videos, incredible pet stories, or the next Grumpy Cat, you've come to the right place. We're always excited to connect with other pet fans, so don't hesitate to drop us a line if you have any questions or just want to say hi!

Thanks for visiting CelebrityPets.net!


Celebrity Pets HQ is located in the beautiful city of Vancouver, BC. We are proud to say that all of our content is created locally, by a team of animal-loving experts who are passionate about sharing the stories of celebrity pets with the world.

Although we are based in Vancouver, we follow pets all over the world! Our team is always excited to feature, showcase, and share updates from our favorite furry (and sometimes not-so-furry) friends, no matter where they are.


Of course! We believe that all pets are celebrities in their own right, and every pet deserves a chance to become Tika The Iggy.

Whether your pet is a social media sensation with thousands of followers or just an ordinary companion with a heart of gold, we would love to share their story with the world. You never know, they could become the next Jiff Pom. One of our founders actually got to meet Jiff Pom in Vegas, and it was actually his 4th happiest day ever!

So, if you think your pet has what it takes to be a celebrity, don't hesitate to reach out to us! Simply let us know your pet's name, your social media links, and their origin story, and we'll get in touch with you to arrange an interview.


We're always happy to have contributors to our website! If you're interested in submitting an article, we would love to hear from you.

Before you get started, please note that we have certain guidelines that all articles must adhere to. We want to make sure that all content on our website is in line with our mission to celebrate pets.

We ask that all articles match the topics of the other articles on our website. We're looking for pieces that are engaging, informative, and most importantly, celebrate the pets in our lives. Please note that we don't allow product reviews, How-To articles, or Top 10 Tips for pets.

If you have an article idea that you think would be a good fit for our website, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll be happy to review your submission and get back to you as soon as possible.


We're glad to hear that you're interested in advertising your pet company on CelebrityPets.net! We welcome advertisers who share our passion for pets and want to connect with our audience of pet lovers.

To get started, simply reach out to us at [email protected]. We'll be happy to discuss our advertising options with you and provide you with more information about our audience, traffic, and engagement metrics.


If you happen to spot a mistake or a missing pet from a celebrity's profile, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team! We're always happy to receive feedback from our users and we appreciate any help we can get in keeping our website accurate and up-to-date.

Absolutely! Just fill out our quick form and we will add you to the website.
Our community would love to meet your best friend.